Startups may need a lift beyond angel investor funds in 2010

Senator Dodd recently proposed legislation that might significantly reduce the number of credible angel investors in the United States. Now, a report from the Center for Venture Research at the University of New Hampshire indicates that entrepreneurs may not notice a significant difference as investor funding declined in 2009.


Incorporate now and save time and money later

A lot of businesspeople think their great idea is all they need to find business success. But successful ventures also require careful planning. With business incorporation, entrepreneurs might find developing companies benefit from the necessary long-term planning that comes with the process of business formation.


Business formation boosts job formation

A recent study from the Kauffman Foundation showed that the nation’s top-performing, young businesses create 40 percent of new jobs in the U.S. in any given year. In light of this, Dane Stangler, author of High Growth Firms and the Future of the American Economy spoke with BusinessWeek about how entrepreneurs might benefit from these […]


S corporations: Tax benefits for small business

In light of the recently passed Small Business and Infrastructure Jobs Tax Act – which offers new tax credits to small businesses with the hopes of promoting job generation – entrepreneurs may consider business incorporation to maximize their tax savings. Perhaps an S corporation would be the best choice for this.


Companies consider implications of health reform for small business

In light of the historic healthcare reform recently passed, many families and young professionals are investigating how their medical coverage will change. At the same time, many businesses are considering how their taxes might change. A report for the Wall Street Journal suggests the reform might be costly for businesses at first. Verizon Communications, for […]


Business owners breed legacies with business incorporation

When Carl Chuzy – the founder of Carl Chuzy Co. – died, his Lincoln Towncar remained parked outside his office, his company kept its founder’s name and his successors enjoyed a successful business with Chuzy’s loyal clientele. By retaining all of these aspects of the business, the real-estate company was able to outlive its founder. […]