2012 Shaping up to be another Great Year for Entrepreneurs

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One of the world’s most successful investors, Warren Buffett, advises young investors to buy when others are selling and sell when others are buying. He knows that the best opportunities to make money come when others aren’t looking.

That’s why the post 2008 and 2009 economy has proven to be the best time to start a business in recent years. Funding is still proving difficult to secure but that shouldn’t stop you from becoming an entrepreneur in 2012. Here’s why.

It’s Beats Employment

People have resisted becoming entrepreneurs in the past because working for somebody else meant job security, a steady paycheck, paid days off, and a nice retirement package. With a nearly 9% unemployment rate and countless stories of people losing their jobs, there are few reasons why working for somebody else is better than starting a business.

Tons of Support

Starting your own business is the in-thing. Governments at all levels, with support from all over the private sector, want you to be an entrepreneur. They’re happy to throw all of the training and tax breaks at you in order to help you reach this goal. As a new entrepreneur, you will have no problem finding all of the free help and support you need to be successful.

A Lot of Opportunities

Hiring full time employees is so ten years ago. Companies don’t want to shell out retirement and health insurance benefits any more so they’re looking to the small business community to find people who will work on a project to project basis. Employees who go in to business for themselves and advertise their services to all companies in their niche are finding a lot of success. You still have to fund your retirement and pay for health insurance but that should be factored in to your price.

Technology is Improving Fast

When the IPhone was introduced, companies all over the world formed to develop the next game changing app. Technology changes the way we do business and because of that, opportunities are constantly presenting themselves. Even your job that used to keep you in an office may now be possible at home thanks to technology. The rumor mill is already abuzz with the new technology we’ll see in 2012. Not only does it offer increased convenience and productivity, it may also provide the basis for your small business.


There just aren’t any excuses left. 2012 is the year to start your business. Start it small and build up to a full time endeavor but don’t wait any longer. Get started this year.