Mobile Publisher Attracts Funding By Focusing on Popular App Category

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The founders of 955 Dreams decided that starting a business to publish mobile apps is most likely to succeed by focusing on a popular category. They selected music as the obvious choice. Now the startup has $3,250,000 of new capital from angel investors and venture capitalists.

The iOS format creations of 955 Dreams include titles such as “The History of Jazz” and “On the Way to Woodstock.” These apps sell for $9.99 and $4.99, respectively. Both of them deliver hours of video and narration about their subjects.

Raising outside funding so early after starting the company is a result of simply creating fun and excitement about the applications. 955 Dreams publishes “Band of the Day”, which is a daily mobile magazine containing music and photos for the iPhone and iPad. This mobile publication is free.

Company management reveals that its attention to high quality resonated with users worldwide. Four of the creations by 955 Dreams achieved App of the Week status on the Apple Store within a single year.

The design process at 955 Dreams puts each product idea through a relentless scrutiny over detail. Company founders agonize over how every aspect of an app will impact users. In addition to content, extreme consideration is given to consistency in the overall product look, the user interface, and the backend.

That dedication to detail is what outside investors expect will drive further company success in the future.