Nevada On the Hunt for Unlicensed Business Entities

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Secretary of State Ross Miller is currently developing a process for the reporting and investigation of business entities that are conducting business in Nevada without maintaining a State Business License.

Unless exempted by statute, every person or entity conducting business in the state of Nevada must maintain a State Business License. In addition to the State Business License, foreign corporations, limited liability companies (LLC,) and other entities created under Title 7 of the Nevada Revised Statutes and those purporting to be a Nevada corporations, LLCs, limited partnerships, etc. are required to file their qualification or organizational documents with the Secretary of State.

Those businesses that do not comply with these basic registration requirements may be liable to the state for up to $10,000.

Secretary Miller says “We want to make sure that all those conducting business in Nevada have filed their organizational or qualification documents with our office and have complied with the State Business License statutes. This is only fair to those who have complied and will level the playing field.”

If you are doing business in Nevada, or planning to expand to that state, we recommend you to get a certificate of authority to do business in Nevada before starting your operations. More information about Foreign Qualifications can be obtained here.