Tips to secure venture capitalist funds

According to the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, there was a 37 percent decline in venture capital investment in 2009. Startups looking to find funds this year might consider tips offered by venture capitalist Mark Suster.


Build corporate blueprints to bring capital investments

In spite of the administrations’ recent $30 billion pledge to help fund small businesses, many entrepreneurs are reportedly still struggling to find startup funds. Would-be business owners might benefit from Inc. magazine‘s tips on writing great business plans to garner investments.


Save money during the early days of a startup

A report from the Small Business Administration indicates that economic trying times often provide the best climate for new businesses to find success. Still, that doesn’t mean finding the funds to start new businesses is easy in the midst of recession.


Tips to grow a business

As the economy is slowly recovering, it may be time for small business owners to start thinking about how to expand their enterprises. offer some tips for growth that might benefit all business types.